Tuesday, 4 June 2013


William on the new play equipment
I sought election as a Llanrumney Councillor in order to give a voice to my community and make a material difference to the lives of its residents. On the first anniversary of my election it was wonderful to see the recent opening of the new £50,000 play area at Rumney Rec. 

The play area has benefitted from investment through the Council's Capital Programme. Works include two separate zones for toddlers and children and the installation of new equipment including a tubular slide, two sets of swings, two multi-units and a free-ride swinging item which imitates surfing. The area also boasts new surfacing and graphics. 

The new play area opened as our summer finally began. Families made great use of the new facility and it quickly became evident that due to its popularity more waste bins would be needed. I'm glad to report that the council has acted on this to help us keep the play area looking smart. 

Queen Elizabeth II Field dedication at Rumney Rec 

During the first year of this Labour administration Rumney Rec itself has undergone a major transformation. On 17th December 2012 the Rumney Recreation Ground was dedicated as a Queen Elizabeth II Field to celebrate the Queen's Golden Jubilee and to act as a permanent tribute to the Queen. Fields In Trust sought to safeguard hundreds of outdoor recreational spaces in perpetuity for future generations. 

It was especially poignant for me as I joined the Labour Party after playing an active role in the RREEL (Rumney Recreation and Eastern Leisure Centre) Action Group. Rumney Rec and the people of east Cardiff's fight to save our much loved parkland was the catalyst for me to participate in active politics. 

In addition to the new play area. Vision 21 have been responsible for refurbishing the park furniture, bringing benches back to their former glory and Wales Probation has restored and renewed the railings at the site including sanding and painting. 

It was a great way to celebrate a year of Labour back in control in Cardiff. The year began with the opening of the Captain Morgan play park on 5th May 2012. Great success for Llanrumney Labour in ensuring vital facilities for our children as the estate looks to the future with optimism. 

The Captain Morgan play park is officially opened

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